The Lifecycle of Software product in software development

The Lifecycle of Software Product in Software development


Ideation and Conceptualization

  • Birth of an idea
    Every product starts with identifying a problem or accepting chances. It could arise from several sources such as market research, customer feedback, technological advances and personal experience.

  • Brainstorming and collaborative thinking
    When the first idea is in place the next step is brainstorming. It is a collective procedure where people come together and think of multiple ideas. Effective brainstorming sessions are characterized by open mindedness, creativity and divergent thinking.

  • Feasibility and Viability Analysis
    It is not necessary that every idea in a brainstorming session is practical and applicable. That’s why it is important to analyze every concept against specific criteria. Criteria such as technical feasibility, market viability, business alignment and competitive landscape.

  • Defining the concept
    With some good ideas, the next step is to define the concept of the product. This includes creating a clear and short product vision that defines its target. It includes problem statements, target audience, core features and value proposition.

  • Prototyping and Validation
    Before performing full scale development, it is useful to make its prototypes. It allows us to imagine the concept. Also it allows us to collect feedback from stakeholders and users. There are different types of prototypes such as wireframes, mockups and interactive prototypes.

  • Creating product roadmap
    Last step is to create a roadmap of products. It helps as a guide for the procedure of development. The roadmap includes short term goals, long term vision and resource allocation.

Planning and Requirement Analysis in Software Product in Software Development

  • Defining objective and scope
    The first step in planning is to define the product’s objective. Defining its primary goals. Defining whether it is to solve issues or improve efficiency. Defining the scope is very important. It helps in preventing scope creep.

  • Resource allocation
    Planning involves recognizing resources needed for the project. This includes human resource, technological resource and financial resource.

  • Timeline
    Setting a real time is important. It includes breaking down projects into smaller tasks that are easy to manage and setting deadlines for each.

  • Risk management
    Recognizing risk early can help in saving from trouble down. Risk can be related to technology, changes in the market and many more.

  • Collecting requirements
    This step includes communicating with stakeholders to understand their requirements and hopes. Stakeholders can be anyone such as clients, users or business analysts.

  • Document Requirement
    Once the needs are collected, the next step is to make its documents neatly. This document helps as a reference point in the overall procedure of software development.

  • Requirements validation
    This step guarantees that the documented requirements perfectly represent the requirements of stakeholders. This includes reviews, walkthroughs and prototypes.

  • Creating a requirements specifications documents
    The last outcome of this step is a detailed requirements specification document. It acts as a blueprint of the development team.

Design of Software Product in Software Development

  • Requirement Analysis
    It is very important to understand the needs deeply. It includes collecting full information about the need to use software and its user.

  • System Architect
    This is the top quality structure of software. It defines how different parts connect and how data flows through the system. It includes decisions about the technology stack and database design.

  • User interface design
    UI design pays attention to the shape and visual elements of the software. It includes creating wireframes and prototypes that explain the structure of the user interface.

  • User Experience design
    UX design is about to develop an ideal experience for its user. It involves user research and usability testing. IT helps to understand user needs. It guarantees that design meets user requirements.

  • Interaction design
    This explains how users connect with software. This step involves designing, locating and defining user workflows. It also makes sure that connections are natural and efficient.

  • Prototyping and Wireframing
    This includes developing dependent models to test design concepts and collect comments. Wireframes are visual representations of UI.


  • Setting up development environment
    Before writing code developers should create a workspace for development. Creating or setting environments include installing important software, arranging systems and creating storage.

  • Designing the code structure
    A developer should design the structure of the code before writing it. It is very important to plan how the code will work. This includes some steps such as defining modules, creating interfaces and planning data structures.

  • Writing Code
    When the code structure is ready, the developer can write a code. Writing code includes executing characteristics, sticking to coding standards and writing tests.

  • Code reviews
    When the developer writes the code, then the next step is the review process of the code. Team members evaluate each other’s code to define its issues, improve the quality of code and share knowledge. Also they work on received feedback and make important changes.

  • Combining Components
    When the different modules and parts are developed, developers combine all of them. This process includes combining modules, solving issues and continuous integration (CI).


  • Planning test
    Explain the opportunity, target, resources and make a schedule for planning tests. Also make a detailed test plan document.

  • Test Design
    Develop design for testing. This step includes creating test cases and conditions on the bases of needs.

  • Test environment setup
    Setup the environment for the test. Arrange hardware and software that are needed for the test.

  • Test Execution
    Now execute the test. It means to run the test conditions and prepare documents of outputs of the test.

  • Defect reporting and tracking
    Identify the defects in the system. After identifying, report the defects and assign them for solving. Defect report should give information on impact issues.

  • Test Closure
    Analyze the procedure of the test. After analyzing, prepare a test closure report. It will be the final test summary and testing procedure will be finished.


  • Preparation
    It is an important step for successful deployment. This step involves a series of pre-development activities to make sure everything is in place.

  • Deployment
    During the process of actual deployment the software is installed and arranged in the target habitat. This phase varies on different types of deployment.

  • Verification
    Verification of software product is very important
    . It is done to ensure that every function of software is performing well and according to expectations.

  • Monitoring
    Constant monitoring is very important to find out and solve any problem that arises after deployment.


  • Corrective Maintenance
    This step of maintenance involves pointing out and fixing bugs or errors which were not fixed during the testing phase. This makes sure that software is functioning as expected.

  • Adaptive maintenance
    Adapting software to work with new hardware, operating systems or other software environments.

  • Perfective maintenance
    Improving the software performance by improving code, algorithm or updating its infrastructure.

  • Preventive maintenance
    This step includes improving the inner structure of software without changing its outer behavior to make future maintenance easier.



  1. What are software metrics?
    It is a quantitative measure of programs of software. It can be used for several things.

  2. What is software engineering?
    It is the process of designing, developing, testing and maintaining software.

  3. What is the biggest challenge in software development?
    The biggest challenge in software development is not having enough resource.

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