Benchmark engineering

The Essential Guide to Benchmark Engineering in Software Development

  • Performance optimization
    Benchmarking helps you in identifying problems with software. Also it helps developers to improve their code for better speed and improvement.

  • Resource Management
    It helps developers to recognize how software will utilize resources of a system. Such as CPU, memory and I/O. It helps to avoid waste of resources.

  • Manageability Assessment
    By this standardized test, developers can predict the performance of software under different loads.

  • Quality Assurance
    Often benchmarking helps developers to catch decline of performance. It also helps to maintain quality and reliability of the software.

  • Competitive Edge
    In the current market, performance can be the difference. This benchmarking provides the stats needed to stay ahead from competitors. 
  • Reproducibility
    Benchmarks should provide constant results through different environments. It helps to accurately track performance variations.

  • Representativeness
    The test should reflect real usage conditions in order to give meaningful results. Synthetic benchmarks should be used in accordance with real world testing.

  • Isolation
    To avoid uneven results, benchmarks should be alone. External factors should be avoided such as variable network or background processes.

  • Full Standards
    A good benchmark measures many elements. It includes suspension output and resource consumption. It provides a full overview of performance.

  • Statistical Significance
    Results should be constantly analyzed to make a difference between relevant trends from random noise. This usually involves running benchmarks many times.
  • Define Clear Objective
    Before starting, a developer should define his target. What does he want to achieve from this standardized test? Whether he is focusing on decreasing suspension, increasing outputs or lowering resource consumption? The developer should define these aims before starting benchmarks.

  • Select relevant tools
    For better benchmarking you should select relevant tools. The right tool helps developers to identify blockage, optimize resource usage. Some common relevant tools for benchmarking are JMH (Java Microbenchmarking Harness) for Java applications, Benchmark DotNet for NET Applications and custom scripts for special scenarios.

  • Automate the Process
    A developer should include benchmarks in continuous integration/continuous deployment CI/CD. This step makes performance testing a regular part of a development process. This practice helps you to identify problems very soon.

  • Use Real Workloads
    For better benchmark results, you should use real workloads. It tells the relevancy of benchmarks results. This workload usually uses sets of real data, user interaction patterns and load conditions. These are some loads that software usually experiences in production.

  • Monitor Performance Closely
    Observing performance closely and constantly is an important practice of benchmarking. It checks the software performance level time by time. Observing performance closely also helps to identify and solve performance issues as they would arise.

  • Analyze and acts on result
    Benchmarking is not just about gathering data. Rather it is about to examine data to bring more improvement in it. Search for trends, compare different versions and use awareness to make decisions to optimize code.

  • Document and share finding
    You should keep data for benchmarking procedures, used tools for benchmarking and the result obtained. This keeping records can be useful to mention in future, team combination, display improvements in performance to stakeholders.

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