Agile methodology vs Waterfall

Agile Methodology Vs Waterfall


Agile Methodology and Waterfall Methodology: Definitions

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Dynamic and responsive over following a plan. 
  1. Requirements (Documents of requirement)
  2. Designs (Software architecture)
  3. Implementation (Software)
  4. Verification 
  5. Maintenance

Agile Methodology vs Waterfall: Tabular Comparison

AspectAgile MethodologyWaterfall Methodology
ApproachIncremental and iterativeLinear and sequential
Project PhasesConstant feedback and multiple cyclesDistinct phases (Requirement, design, implementation, testing)
FlexibilityDynamic and highly flexibleChanges are discouraged and inflexible
Customer InvolvementCustomer involved throughout the projectInvolved only in initial and final phases
Project scope Always evolving, the scope is changed on demand and feedbackPre-defined and fixed scope, defined at the initial stages
DocumentationLess documentation, emphasis on workComprehensive documentation for each stage
TestingTesting throughout the project till completionTesting after the development phase
Risk ManagementMitigation and identification of risks frequently Early identification but management less adaptable to change
DeliveryDelivers small functional pieces of projects throughoutAt the end of each development cycle send the final result
Team CollaborationBest collaboration and effective communicationLess frequent collaboration and structured communication
Suitable forDynamic requirements and unclear projectsProjects with clear and fixed requirements 
ExampleStartups, software development, frequently updating productsManufacturing, construction, and large-scale enterprise systems

Agile Vs Waterfall Methodologies: Which Project Management Methodology Is Best For You?

  • Waterfall is better for projects with strict requirements and regulations.

  • Agile is better for projects with flexible and dynamic requirements.

  • Waterfall is best for projects where we have less involvement of the customers or stakeholders.

  • Agile is best for projects where stakeholders are actively involved in the entire project.

  • If you know the project requirement from the beginning waterfall is the best fit

  • Agile methodology is the best fit for dynamic requirements and projects subjected to changes over time.

  • Teams planning on moving fast prefer Agile.

  • Teams working on conventional terms prefer the Waterfall method.

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